IMPACT Medicom

Precision Medicine Series: Ep14: External Quality Assurance in Biomarker Testing

IMPACT Medicom

Welcome to our podcast episode on external quality assurance (or eQA) for testing biomarkers in oncology, hosted by Anna Christofides. In this episode,  we discuss with Dr. Emina Torlakovic, the use of eQA to aid in the improvement of biomarker testing in Canada .

Our Guest:
Dr. Emina Torlakovic is a Professor in Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology at the University of Toronto. She is also a Staff Hematopathologist and Director of Biomarker Development and Quality Assurance at the University Health Network. Dr. Torlakovic is also a founding member of NordiQC, Canadian Immunohistochemistry Quality Control (CIQC), as well as the International Society for Immunohistochemistry and Molecular Morphology. She is Chair of the Canadian Association of Pathologists’ National Standards Committee for High Complexity Testing and also co-directs CIQC. 

This podcast episode was sponsored by Merck, Canada.

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