IMPACT Medicom

MYTHBUSTERS: Addressing COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Ep1 Part2

Welcome to IMPACT Medicom’s MYTHBUSTER series, addressing COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy. This series is aimed at health care professionals who are on the front lines of vaccine delivery, to help address common sources of misinformation around COVID-19 vaccines. 

In the second part of the first episode of the series,  hosted by Anna Christofides (owner of IMPACT Medicom), we  continue the discussion on:

  • Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy: Common sources of misinformation around COVID-19 vaccination and how these can be addressed
  • Improving Vaccine Access: The use of mass vaccination and popup clinics to provide better access to higher risk populations

Our guest
Dr. Kelly Grindrod is an associate professor at the University of Waterloo’s School of Pharmacy. She is the pharmacy lead for the Waterloo Region vaccine task force and helped set up a mass vaccine clinic at the University of Waterloo School of Pharmacy. Dr. Grindrod has also led the development of several online resources including the platform, which includes videos and infographics on COVID vaccines.

This podcast episode is sponsored by AstraZeneca Canada.  

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Published: Apr. 14, 2021 @ 2PM Edit


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